Basic Block Compiler (BBC)
for HPC & LP Systems
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Compiler-Assisted Lookahead Processing Unit
for High Performance & Low Power Computing & Cybersecurity
CALPU™ is a processor that runs authorized programs in a secure and lookahead manner for (1) eliminating branch prediction delay, (2) discarding unnecessary flow-control instructions, and (3) reducing instruction fetch cycles while guaranteeing code compatibility.
CAL-Compiler (CALpiler)
is an Instruction Stream Compiler (ISC).
transforms existing programs to high-performance & energy-saving programs
CAL-Simulator (CALator)
Execution-driven, Cycle-accurate Simulator
Is a simulator for various instruction sets
Integrated with a high-speed cache performance simulator.
Adaptive Memory Compiler (AMPiler)
Adaptive Instruction Memory
Post-assembly Code Compiler (AIMpiler)
Adaptive Instruction Memory Simulator (AIMulator)
Execution-driven, Cycle-accurate Simulator​
For Adaptive Instruction Memory System
Facilitates interfacing between the AIM system & CALPU